Martin, J.L. (2012) Instantiation, realisation and multimodal musical semantic waves. In Knox, J. (Ed.), To Boldly Proceed: Papers from the 39th International Systemic Functional Congress, Sydney: ISFC. LCT publications database Created OnJune 11, 2018 You are here: KB Home Martin, J.L. (2012) Instantiation, realisation and multimodal musical semantic waves. In Knox, J. (Ed.), To Boldly Proceed: Papers from the 39th International Systemic Functional Congress, Sydney: ISFC. < Back2012JLMartinWaves Table of Contents
Created OnJune 11, 2018 You are here: KB Home Martin, J.L. (2012) Instantiation, realisation and multimodal musical semantic waves. In Knox, J. (Ed.), To Boldly Proceed: Papers from the 39th International Systemic Functional Congress, Sydney: ISFC. < Back2012JLMartinWaves