Teacher Choices in Action (LCT Wits)

Legitimation Code theory is used to prepare thousands of South African teacher trainees for practice-based learning. Concepts from LCT empower trainees to analyse how teachers work with knowledge across different subject areas and year groups. They learn why practices may work in some classroom contexts but not in others. Since it was launched in August 2020, more than 40 000 trainees from 24 universities have completed the course as part of their teacher qualification requirements. Project leader, Lee Rusznyak is the director of the LCT Hub, University of the Witwatersrand.

To find out more about the Teacher Choices in Action module:
2020-11-05: LCT Centre for Knowledge Building Roundtable: Preparing professionals for practice: Developing students’ gazes

27-10-2020: Researching and changing higher education with LCT (CHERII, University of Wollongong)

1-10-2020: Universities join forces to strengthen teaching practicals during Covid-19 and beyond