White, S. and Dhillon, S. (2024) We need to talk about AL: has academic literacies designed the pedagogy out of Learning Development?, Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education, (31). DOI: 10.47408/jldhe.vi31.1267

White, S. and Dhillon, S. (2024) We need to talk about AL: has academic literacies designed the pedagogy out of Learning Development?, Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education, (31). DOI: 10.47408/jldhe.vi31.1267 White, S. and Dhillon, S. (2024) We need to talk about AL has academic literacies designed the pedagogy out of Learning Development, Journal of Learning Development in Higher...

Rusznyak, L. & Bertram, C. (2021) Conceptualising work-integrated learning to support pre-service teachers’ pedagogic reasoning, Journal of Education: Special Issue on Knowledge-Building and Knowers in Educational Practices, 83: 34–53.

Rusznyak, L. & Bertram, C. (2021) Conceptualising work-integrated learning to support pre-service teachers’ pedagogic reasoning, Journal of Education: Special Issue on Knowledge-Building and Knowers in Educational Practices, 83: 34–53.