COR! Centre Online Roundtables

The LCT Roundtable began as a reading group in 2009, quickly transformed into a seminar series, and in 2020 became LCT COR!, an online event with global reach.

Roundtables provide a space for trying out ideas. There is no one format. You can discuss a conference paper in development or one already given, the early stages of a project or results after completion, theory development or practical discussion LCT in practice. You can get attendees to engage in activities. It’s up to you! 

Many Roundtable seminars from 2020 onwards are now available on YouTube: links are in the table below. 

If you would like to join in, email the LCT Centre.

Next LCT Centre Online Roundtable: 1 April  2025, 9am UK, 10am South Africa, 7pm Sydney

Title: Semantic gravity to the rescue! – Teaching reflection without the mystery

Leader: Daniel O’Sullivan

Successfully integrating theoretical knowledge with real-world practice is a challenge faced by learners across many disciplines. Whether in education, healthcare, or business, students often struggle to connect abstract concepts with their lived experiences in meaningful ways. This issue is particularly pronounced in initial teacher education (ITE), where critical reflection is essential yet often remains opaque and difficult to master—especially for international students in Education Diploma pathways. The challenge lies in making the principles of critical reflection explicit, teachable, and learnable, ensuring students develop the academic and disciplinary literacies needed for success.

In this Roundtable, I will discuss how concepts from the dimension of Semantics — specifically, semantic gravity and gravity waves — were  used to design a pedagogic intervention that makes critical reflection visible and accessible. I will outline how these concepts helped structure learning materials and assessments, enabling students to integrate theory and practice effectively. This discussion will highlight the broader implications for embedding LCT in curriculum design, supporting students’ academic transitions, and fostering more inclusive teaching practices in higher education.

For Zoom link and password, email: or join the email forum:

Location: Online!

LCT Centre Roundtables:


Feb-29Erika MatruglioIdentifying identity and constellating culture: Equity, diversity and inclusion of what?
Mar-14Anna-Vera Meidell SigsgaardSemantic waves for helping science teachers teach middle school science
Mar-28Kirstin WilmotBuilding bridges for practice: Using insights and gazes to extend academic literacies theory
Apr-11Steve KirkShifting from student to staff development: Reflections on recontextualisation
Apr-25Paul Curzon and Jane WaiteWinning with semantic waves: Tear and share of LCT research-to-practice activities
May-9Camilla HåkanssonBuilding disciplinary literacy - Autonomy pathways in teaching and students’ texts
May-23Jo KukuczkaRevolutionising higher education curriculum evaluation with Autonomy
Aug-1Lee Rusznyak and Cecilie BetzerUsing Semantics to empower students to make the most of work-based learning
Aug-15Dorian LoveSemantic Tours: Pedagogy and Instructional Design in Computing Education
Aug-29Lindy JamesUsing Semantics to assess how students’ understanding of practice changes over time
Sept-12Retha KnoetzeDifferent kinds of lenses: Developing critical citizens through English literary studies
Sept-26Merve BozbiyikUnlocking Teacher-Student Conversations in Online Medical Education: A semantic journey
Oct-10Leah TompkinsDemystifying achievement: Using Specialization to improve equity in Content and Language Integrated Learning
Oct-24Andy AshTeaching Using Multiple Representations: Using semantic pathways to analyse classroom practice in ‘school maths’


Feb-23, 4pm Sydney timeDiane SwiftUsing semantic gravity to challenge the structuring of professional practice knowledge
March-09, 4pm Sydney timeBrian TweedAutonomy tours and decolonisation in the neoliberal university
March-23, 7pm Sydney timeNóra Wünsch-NagyIntegrating LCT into research and teaching it to non-LCT audiences: Solving the challenges
April-06, 7pm Sydney timeMarcus Medeiros and Amanda MartinsCreating a curriculum for cultivating gazes: Curricular practices at a popular music program
April-20, 5pm Sydney timeMarnel Mouton, Margaret Blackie, Hanelie Adendorff, Christine Steenkamp and Ilse le GrangeUnleashing the power of Legitimation Code Theory for enhancing science education
May-04, 10pm Sydney timeVicky Ariza Pinzón, Patricia Preciado Lloyd, Giovanni García Castro and Francisco Javier RuizA tour of LCT in Latin America: On building a vibrant community, a paper using autonomy tours, and future social impact
May-18, 4pm Sydney timeRobbie CampbellHow teachers build a curriculum for their classrooms and how LCT might help


Aug-11Mauricio QuilpatayHow are we shaped as citizens? Constellating constitutions
Aug-25Natalie Forde-LeavesAcademic autonomy in assessment practice?
Sept-8Karin Wolff, Robbie Pott, Karel Kruger and Neo MotangUsing LCT insights to stretch Engineering graduates: How far do we go?
Sept-22Eszter Szenes and Mark W. PerryDisinformation as a weapon: Analysing information warfare with ‘clusters’ and ‘constellations’
Oct-6Lee RusznyakRevealing the logics of practice through reflecting: A knowledge-building approach
Oct-20Mlamuli Nkosingphile Hlatshway, Mags Blackie and Hanelie AdendorffDecolonising knowledge and knowers: What does designing your module and decolonising Science have to do with transformation?
Nov-3Pavel AdamekSeeing more than just codes: How quantitative methods can help you with LCT


Nov-4Anna Maria Hipkiss, Anna-Vera Meidell Sigsgaard, Ann-Christin RandahlHooking participants into professional development
Oct-21Lisa Osterling and Lee RusznyakWhat assessment rubrics really say to students about practice
Oct-7Nick West and Shimpa Moch Acquiring the gaze or changing the code
Sep-16LCT Japan – Thomas Amundrud and Ayumi Inako Localising LCT: Challenges and strategies in doing and promoting research and practice
Sep-02Vicky Ariza Pinzón
and Jennifer Walsh Marr (LCT-NA)
Virtual waves: Semantics in academic literacy planning and teaching in the time of COVID
Aug-19Mandy Carver (LCT Wits)Playing it right: axiology and the not-so-hidden curriculum
May-27LCT SingaporeDesigning effective pedagogy: An LCT integrated project for critical reflections in Nursing
May-13LCT Wits GroupBuilding knowledge with diverse students
May-6Sherran Clarence and Martina van HeerdenDoctor, Who? Developing a translation device for unpacking doctoral being and becoming
Apr-29LCT México: (1) Andrea Cristina Díaz Loyo & Juan Carlos Guzmán Zamudio; (2) Ángel Zenteno Trujillo & Angélica Martínez Coronel(1) A level-playing field? Exploring how marginalized groups are represented in digital media; (2) What do we do to make things matter? Enacting values in healthcare sciences and rehabilitation programs
Apr-15Glenn "AJ" Jackson (LCT–NA)Harry Potter and the cultivated gaze: Teaching values in subject English
Apr-01Janet Francis (LCT UK)Autonomy tours in an English university: Academic experiences teaching on university apprenticeship programmes
Mar-18Tanusha Dukhan and Retha Knoetze (Rhodes LCT Cluster)Are we playing the same game? Contested spaces within higher education curricula
Mar-04Jack Walton, Ken Tann and Andrew Scott (LCTQ)Authentic simulations: Autonomy, semantics and realism in assessment Practices


Nov-19Jack WaltonUsing LCT to make sense of assessment practices: Perspectives from higher music education
Nov-05Lee RusznyakPreparing professionals for practice: Developing students’ gazes
Oct-22Karin WolffPutting theory into practice: the epistemic plane in action
Oct-01Yaegan Doran & Karl MatonContext-dependence: A translation device for epistemic-semantic gravity in English discourse
Sep-17Susie Cowley-HaseldenKnowledge-building through academic reading circles
Sep-03Paul Curzon & Jane Lisa WaiteApplying semantic profiling to teaching Computer Science unplugged
May-22Karl Maton & Yaegan DoranConstellations and explanations: How relations among ideas might shape how to teach them
May-08Saul RichardsonOvercoming mystification to build knowledge in a creative field: Teaching jazz
Apr-24Zhigang YuWhy does science use formalisms? How chemistry condenses meaning and builds knowledge
Apr-03Sharon ArisRevealing the dynamics and effects of parental school choice with LCT
Mar-27Patrick LockeMapping an educational field undergoing change
Mar-06Elena Lambrinos Dancing between research and practice: Knowledge-building and knower-building in ballet education


Oct-25Helen Fraser
Problem-based learning: An autonomy analysis in medicine
Oct-11Peder Holm-PedersonTalking ‘around’ teaching. Knowledge building in teacher education through case- and talk-based reflections?
Sep-27Ken Tann & Andrew Scott
Autonomy tours in genre pedagogy: Using language to build business knowledge
Sep-13Mauricio Quilpatay
Constellations and a constitution: The ‘red scare’ that helped shape the Chilean constitution under Pinochet
Aug-30Zhigang Yu
Building chemistry knowledge through images
Aug-16Karl Maton
Analysing autonomy: Some rules of thumb for enacting ‘autonomy codes’
May-31Richard Yuan Are “difficult” words just jargon? The case of Latin and French in Legal English

May-17Sarah HowardA digital autonomy tour: Analysing how classroom app use relates to learning
May-03Liu YiLost in translation? Unpacking cross-cultural semantic relations when translating LCT into Chinese
April-12Erika MatruglioCultivating student identities: The cosmology of Community and Family Studies
Mar-29Saul Richardson Implications of knowledge-code and knower-code pedagogies for learning in creative fields
Mar-09Yaegan DoranFurther adventures in translation devices for English discourse


Nov-2Patrick LockeThe diminishing autonomy of vocational educators
Oct-19Kirstin WilmotUnlearning what you know about doctoral writing: A new perspective from LCT
Oct-5Karl Maton & Sarah HowardA tour through Autonomy – the latest concepts from LCT
Sep-21Sarah Howard & Helen GeorgiouA wave of explanation: Knowledge-building in science through the use of multimedia objects
Sep-7Sharon ArisPromoting performance or reinforcing disadvantage? Untangling the threads of parents’ school choices using Specialization
Aug-24 Sue HoodBodies at work
Aug-10Lucy McNaught Autonomy pathways in classroom metalanguage
Jun-08Sarah Howard Exploring app ecologies: Autonomy codes analysis of digital technology usage in primary schooling
May-25Erika Matruglio‘Life is CAFS! CAFS is life!’: Exploring interdisciplinary teaching with autonomy codes
May-11Eszter Szenes & Namali TilakaratnaTowards a translation device for revealing axiological meanings: Hidden values in tertiary assignments
Apr-27Elena Lambrinos Precision and perfection: Teaching legitimate knowledge and knowers in ballet
Apr-13Helen GeorgiouSTEM pedagogies
Mar-23Mathew TollClimate sceptic blogosphere: Explanatory or axiological power?


Nov-3Sarah K. HowardScience animations
Oct-20Daniel O’SullivanAn arena of struggle: Embedding LCT in English
for Academic Purposes (EAP)
Oct-6Eszter Szenes & Namali TilakaratnaCritical reflection
Sep-22Hongzhi Veronica Yang Same language, different legitimacy: Comparing Chinese language curricula in Australia and China
Sep-8Jodie MartinScientists Assemble! Creating constellations and training gazes
Aug-25Mathew TollConstellations of scepticism: Contesting climate science with hyper-knowledge codes
Aug-11Christine CarrollPlaying the field: Code clashes in a music classroom
May-26Sarah Howard & Jodie MartinTouch and learn? An LCT analysis of touch-based tablet apps for classroom use
May-12 Helen FraserWhat is an arm? Year 1 medical students negotiate knowledge of technicals in the upper limb
Apr-28 Helen Georgiou Analysing multimodal science presentations with Semantics
Apr-07 Jennifer Blunden Game of codes, take two: how project teams shaped the communicative and learning experience of two museum exhibitions
Mar-24Yaegan Doran & Karl MatonSemantic gravity: A translation device for revealing context-dependence of knowledge in discourse
Mar-10 Elena LambrinosKnowledge and knowing in ballet education: Disciplining the dance and the dancer


Oct-21 Lucy JonesAxiological-semantic density in the humanities
Sep-16 Yaegan DoranSeeing constellations: grasping axiology in Australia's 'invasion'
Sep-02 Saul RichardsonHow specialisation codes may effect knowledge-building in classrooms
Aug-19Karl Maton, Sarah K. Howard & Elena LambrinosAutonomy tours: A key to building knowledge from diverse sources.
Aug-05 Erika Matruglio Implicit values and invisible knowers: cultivating gazes in senior secondary humanities


Oct-23Karl Maton & Jodie MartinMinions, middlers and managers: Knowledge, knowers and social reproduction in History classrooms
Oct-09Sue HoodExploring the dynamics of interaction in a health science lecture: From 'presence' in SFL to 'semantic gravity' in LCT
Sep-18Karl Maton & Yaegan DoranThe finished and final translation devices for analysing discourse in terms of epistemic-semantic density.
Sep-04Eleanor GlennCooking, the LCT way – invaluable insight into how to get from raw data through LCT analysis to the finished product
Aug-21Mathew Toll, Kirstin Wilmot & Patrick LockeIntroduce their very different work on different topics.
Aug-07Saul RichardsonMessing with the magic: Making the invisible visible by using LCT to analyse knowledge-building in jazz education
May-29Jodie Martin & Karl MatonTemporal codes and knowledge-building
May-15Sharon Aris“That's capital!: Using Specialisation to explore what parents seek from a high school education for their children"
May-01Lucy Jones“I know it when I see it”: Using cosmologies to analyse doctoral examiner reports
Apr-17Elena LambrinosShaping Bodies and Movement: Using LCT to explore body pedagogies
Mar-27Sarah Howard & Karl MatonAutonomy codes and knowledge-building
Mar-13Talia GillPicture this! A new tool for using semantic gravity to analyse images


Oct-24Louise Ravelli, Brian Paltridge & Sue StarfieldDiversity in creative and performing arts doctoral writing: A way forward
Oct-17Sherran ClarencePutting Semantics to work in analysing pedagogic practice: Studies of Law and Political Science
Sep-26Yaegan DoranImages and mathematics as knowledge-builders in physics
Sep-12Elena LambrinosEmbodied Knowledge and Dance Practice – taking the next step
Aug-29Karl Maton & Yaegan DoranSemantic Density: Further adventures in translation devices for empirical research
Aug-15Jennifer BlundenPostcard from New York: New frontiers and challenges for LCT
Aug-01Karl MatonSemantic density: Translation devices for discourse
May-30Susan HoodThe lecturing body and learning to mean in the uncommon-sense ways of different disciplines
May-16Erika MatruglioVaryingly visible knowers: Legitimation in Community and Family Studies and Ancient History
May-02Ken TannIdentity axiology and iconography
Apr-11Eleanor GlennUsing LCT to analyse different understandings of climate change: An example of reverse engineering
Mar-28Margarita Vidal LizamaProposing a framework of analysis of popular education as a knowledge practice
Mar-14Karl Maton, Yaegan Doran & Talia GillEnacting semantic density: A mediating language of description and what it can reveal


May-31Sally Humphrey & Jing Hao'But that's not English!' Providing a knowledge leg up in a knower culture
May-17Jennifer BlundenGame of codes: Informal learning, museums and the pedagogic experience
May-03Eszter Szenes & Namali Tilakaratna‘I confess and hope for redemption’: Critical thinking as ‘self-reflexive praxis’ in Social Work and Business - an LCT and SFL analysis
Apr-19Alexanne DonCosmologies, intertextuality and invoking Attitude
Mar-22Elizabeth ThompsonChanging the culture of the Australian Defence Force using LCT
Mar-08Karl MatonInsights


Oct-19Lucy MacnaughtRight grammar, limited meaning
Oct-05Erika MatruglioFrom listing information to building knowledge: CAFS and the semantic wave
Sep-07Sue HoodEthnography in the service of building knowers
Aug-24Karl MatonEverything you always wanted to know about LCT and were not afraid to ask
Aug-10Trish WeekesExploring knowledge and knowers in senior secondary music and business studies; or: why my action research broke
Jun-15Sarah HowardA quantitative language of description: How can we use LCT in mixed methods research?
Jun-01Eszter SzenesCritical thinking and semantic waves in undergraduate business Country Reports
May-18Jennifer BlundenA visit to the gallery with LCT and SFL
May-04Yaegan DoranCondensation, gravitation, mathematics and the boundaries of physics
Apr-20Jing HaoRelating Semantics to field in Systemic Functional Linguistics
Mar-23Helen GeorgiouUsing Semantics to analyse students’ conceptions of thermal physics
Mar-09Christine LindstromSemantics, link maps and physics


Jun-03Jing HaoSurfing on the texts of undergraduate biology.
May-06Karl Maton, J.R. Martin, Erika Matruglio & Lucy McNaughtWaving not drowning: Teaching teachers the basis of cumulative learning
May-20Sue HoodTelling stories in research papers: Telling differences in gaze
Apr-08Yaegan DoranKnowledge and multisemiosis in undergraduate physics
Mar-25Karl MatonMore than the narcissism of minor differences: Fiercely-fought struggles and fundamental shifts in intellectual fields (or  ‘And finally ... the 4-K model at long last’)


Nov-19Sarah HowardThe role of disciplinary knowledge in the Digital Education Revolution (and using LCT in quantitative research)
Oct-22Erika MatruglioKnowledge, knowers, language and legitimation: How to mean in school humanities
Oct-08Tristan EnrightTracing the rise of neoliberalism
Sep-24Christine LindstromMapping the hierarchy: Teaching cumulative learning in physics
Sep-10Karl MatonThe 4-K model
Aug-27Shoshana DreyfusMultimodality as a marker of verticality
Aug-03J.R. Martin & Erika MatruglioLCT, SFL and the case of the broken elevator: Ancient History in schools
May-28Sue HoodLegitimating research differently in different intellectual fields: instantiating different knowledge-knower structures
May-21Jo LanderSemantics analysis of online teaching in Public Health


Nov-06Fran ChristieSchool English, an issue raising all kinds of questions concerning the nature of knowledge and how it should be taught
Oct-23Discussion of ideas raised in the 'Knowledge-building' paper, including semantic gravity, semantic density, cosmologies, axiological condensation and constellationality
Sep-25Karl Maton'Knowledge-building', using LCT(Semantics) to analyse the kind of theory that can enable cumulative knowledge and introduces new concepts that address the axiology of fields.
Sep-11Karl Maton & Erika MatruglioWorkshop on analysing classroom discourse using ER/SR and SG/SD.
Aug-21Sue HoodUsing LCT(Specialisation) and SFL to analyse disciplinary writing, specifically the ways in which authors create a warrant for their research in the introduction to research articles.
Jun-19Discussion of LCT(Semantics)
Jun-05Lucila CarvalhoUsing LCT(Specialisation) to analyse design studies, which is a laboratory for code clashes, and then to create an interactive and mobile e-learning environment for informal learning in a Sydney museum.
May-22Discussion of one strand of LCT(Specialisation)
May-01Introductions and discussion of purpose of LCT Roundtable.