Join the friendly and supportive LCT community: connect with the LCT Centre and join a local group!
The LCT Centre runs online seminars, organizes conferences, provides resources and support, and connects scholars, students and teachers. Become an Associate Member today!
LCT groups are emerging around the world. See below for more information. If you cannot see someone near you, email the LCT Centre and they will help.
You can start a group of your own! All you need is one other person and a regular time to meet! The LCT Centre can provide you resources to get you started and even make a logo for your group. Email them for details.
News from groups
List of groups
Country | Location | Name | Contact |
Argentina | LCT Argentina | Ruben Mazzei |
Australia | Brisbane | LCTQ | Ken Tann Andrew Scott |
Australia | Darwin | LCT Darwin | Sarah Dowden-Parker |
Australia | Sydney | LCT NSW | Karl Maton |
Brazil | Juiz de Fora | LCT Brazil - Observatório das Práticas Musicais (Observatory of Musical Practices) | Marcus Vinicius Medeiros Pereirar |
Canada | Online | LCT North America | Jodie Martin |
China | LCT China | Shi Chunxu | |
Denmark | LCT-DK | Anna Vera Meidell Sigsgaard | |
Indonesia | The Center for Studies in Linguistics, Universitas Bandar Lampung | LCT Indonesia | Dr Susanto Susanto |
Japan | LCT Japan | Ayumi Inako | |
Mexico | LCT-MX | Vicky Ariza Pinzon | |
New Zealand | Wellington | LCT NZ | Jae Major |
Poland | University of Gdansk | LCT Poland | Piotr Kowzan |
Scandinavia | LCT Nordic Network | Anna Vera Meidell Sigsgaard | |
South Africa | Cape Peninsula University of Technology | LCT CPUT | Chris Winberg |
South Africa | Durban | LCTSiG@DUT | Nalini Chitanand |
South Africa | Johannesburg | LCT@Wits | Lee Rusznyak |
South Africa | Makhanda | LCT Makhanda | Retha Knoetze |
South Africa | Stellenbosch | Stellenbosch Science Teaching and Learning Group | Hanalie Adendorff Christine Steenkamp |
Sweden | Sweden West Coast LCT | Anna Maria Hipkiss | |
UK | London | Education Lab, School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, Queen Mary University of London | Paul Curzon Jane Waite |
UK | Online | LCT UK | Steve Kirk |
USA | Oregon State University | LaCuKnoS (Language, Culture and Knowledge building through Science) | Cory Buxton Barbara Ettenauer |
Online | LCT Forensics | Chuanyou Richard Yuan |