McNamara, M.S. (2010) What lies beneath? The underlying principles structuring the field of academic nursing in Ireland, Journal of Professional Nursing, 26(6): 377–384. LCT publications database Created OnJune 11, 2018 You are here: KB Home McNamara, M.S. (2010) What lies beneath? The underlying principles structuring the field of academic nursing in Ireland, Journal of Professional Nursing, 26(6): 377–384. < Back2010McNamaraWLB Table of Contents
Created OnJune 11, 2018 You are here: KB Home McNamara, M.S. (2010) What lies beneath? The underlying principles structuring the field of academic nursing in Ireland, Journal of Professional Nursing, 26(6): 377–384. < Back2010McNamaraWLB