LCT enjoys an extremely fruitful dialogue with systemic functional linguistics (SFL) that builds on preceding exchanges between Basil Bernstein, Michael Halliday and Ruqaiya Hasan. This dialogue intensified as SFL and LCT become increasingly used together in joint analyses of shared data. These genuinely inter-disciplinary projects are leading to a growing number of  innovations in both approaches and the emergence of scholars who are theoretically “bilingual”. Papers using both theories regularly feature at International Systemic Functional Congresses and International LCT Conferences

Maton and Doran (2017) offer an introduction to the history of this collaboration. Chapter 5 of Knowledge-building explains how to work with the two theories together on a research project. Martin and Maton (2017) discuss in more depth how LCT and SFL have influenced each other since the mid-2000s.

Accessing Academic Discourse: Systemic functional linguistics and Legitimation Code Theory explores the impact of LCT on SFL and how enacting the two theories can offer greater explanatory power. The introduction can be read here.